Sunday, 29 November 2009

Poorly Katie

I am feeling pretty sick at the moment, which is rubbish because I do not make a good patient. Plus I have to study and my body doesn't want to let me. Everything aches and my brain won't work. Hoping to find out what's wrong this week, and it to not be anything too bad.

Thursday, 26 November 2009


Great competition from - enter here!

Sunday, 22 November 2009

6 months...

We have been married a whole 6 months! Yey!

Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Some days are really out to test us - think today was one of those. Started with a tired Katie having been stuck in traffic for 4.5 hours to do a 20 mile journey last night - not fun. Then today was my first on call in anaesthetics (I passed my 'novice' anaesthetist period) and from 8am to 8.30pm was nonstop.

Message of the day - please, please, please everyone be careful drivers and even more careful crossing roads - sometimes the stuff I see makes me want to sit in a cotton wool box for ever more. Just need to take care, always.

Night night all.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Autumn Trip to the New Forest

Finally got round to posting these pics - we went over to the New Forest a few weeks ago on a photography trip - me to practice with the big fancy Canon and Phil to shoot with all his Holgas for his new business venture - here are a selection of my pics (I'm not very good yet!).

And me getting in the way of Phil's arty shot