Thursday, 29 April 2010

THE Wedding Dress

I am waiting for my very good friend to come visit today - she got engaged 1 week ago, booked her wedding 4 days ago, and today we are going wedding dress shopping.   Their wedding is in 4 months, eek!  I am a bit giddy with excitement - it is nearly one year since my wedding and I absolutely loved planning it! (well, looking back with a retroscope, I did!)

My wedding dress shopping was a bit..... unorthodox.  I went into town to get some t-shirts, and came home with a wedding dress.  I just thought I'd pop into a shop.....  My dress was the bargain of the century though it had £1250 off!  I'm very glad thats what happened because a) I'm the most indecisive person ever and would have been in serious trouble if there had been many and b) I didn't really have anyone to go dress shopping with - not that would have involved hundreds of miles of travelling.  So thats what happened.  Having said I didn't ever want a (strapless) big traditional dress, I put one on and felt like a bride.  I very much loved my dress!  And very much need to get it cleaned and in nice acid free tissue paper!

Here are a few of my favourite pics of the moment from Once Wed (that website..... wow.... if I could have had an outside wedding, damn english unpredictable weather!)  And my dress.

(Yes, I had atrocious posture on my wedding day)


  1. Now that is the way to buy a dress! I have just spent the last ten days dithering between three dresses and have driven myself crazy trying to decide. I know exactly what you mean about going for a completely different dress to what you thought because it made you feel like a "bride"; this definitely contributed to my indecision!

  2. Your dress was stunning too. No-one would have ever known, if you hadn't outed yourself here.

    Jim's sister had the same thing as you two - she wanted small and understated until she tried on a 'brides' dress. Now she wants to be a bride-y bride too!

